Recent polling data suggests a dip in public confidence regarding the U.S. economy, contributing to a slight decline in President Donald Trump’s approval ratings. Since taking office, Trump’s approval rating has decreased by three points, now sitting at 44 percent. His proposed tariffs on Mexico and Canada—delayed until March—have received a lukewarm reception, with only 41 percent in favor and 54 percent opposed.
According to Reuters, “Public approval of Trump’s economic management has fallen to 39% from 43% in the prior poll.”
Despite the dip in approval, Trump’s economic policies still outperform those of former President Joe Biden, whose approval rating stood at just 34 percent at the end of his term.
Surveys indicate growing concerns over inflation, with the consumer price index showing a 3 percent year-over-year increase as of January. Only 32 percent of respondents approve of Trump’s handling of inflation, highlighting economic anxieties among Americans.
Reuters also reported, “The share of Americans who believe the economy is on the wrong track rose to 53% in the latest poll, up from 43% in late January.”
With economic concerns mounting, Trump faces new challenges in maintaining public confidence in his policies. Whether his administration can reverse this trend remains to be seen as economic conditions evolve in the coming months.