When AJ Styles made his WWE debut in 2016, few could have predicted that just a year later, he would be stepping into the ring with Shane McMahon at WrestleMania 33. Yet, despite initial skepticism from fans and critics alike, Styles and McMahon delivered a high-energy contest that remains one of the standout moments of Styles’ WWE career.
In a recent interview on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, Styles opened up about his experience facing Shane McMahon and how much pride he takes in the match’s lasting impact.
“No one thought that me and Shane McMahon were going to have a good match,” Styles admitted. “But I think we did an amazing job of making it highly entertaining. It had some unforgettable moments, and I had the chance to work with Shane, who is just an awesome guy. I absolutely love him.”
Styles went on to praise McMahon’s dedication to the craft, emphasizing his relentless pursuit of perfection.
“No one is more dedicated to getting it right than Shane McMahon. Just ask The Undertaker, he’ll tell you the same. I respect the heck out of that. The things he does in the ring, like still pulling off a Shooting Star Press—are you kidding me? He takes a beating and keeps going. I have so much respect for him. That match was incredible.”
When asked about his most memorable WrestleMania moment, Styles didn’t hesitate to single out his clash with McMahon over his matches with Chris Jericho and The Undertaker.
“I think it may have been the Shane McMahon match,” Styles reflected. “Because it was Shane McMahon—who would have thought AJ Styles would be wrestling him? It was the first match of WrestleMania, which was perfect, and it was just so much fun. Getting to know Shane and putting on such a great performance together was truly special.”
Looking back, the match stands as a testament to both competitors’ abilities and their commitment to giving fans an unforgettable show. Styles’ respect for McMahon, coupled with the undeniable chemistry they displayed in the ring, solidified their WrestleMania 33 encounter as one of the most surprising yet thrilling matches in WWE history.